
Top 10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes

Top 10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes

At one point we've all dreamt of being a superhero. Here are some rare diseases that indirectly give people superhero-like abilities.
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Be Amazed at these 10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes! Superhuman Strength - You can become extremely strong if you have Myostatin-Related Muscle Hypertrophy. Insensible to Pain - Next up is the power of being immune to pain! Well...not immune to it but rather, insensible to it. Yes, you heard right. Absence of Fear - If you’re a scaredy cat and jump at any monster you see in the movies, then you might’ve thought having the ability to not feel fear is a dream you wish that came true. The Ability to Learn Anything - There are extremely gifted people in this world that have the ability to learn anything. Vampire Disorder - They’re afraid of sunlight, have razor sharp teeth, and are extremely pale.
Stone Man Disorder - Being like The Thing from The Fantastic Four may seem cool but in real life, it’s a real problem. Multiple limbs - Ever dream of having an extra limb or two? Or maybe even four? It sure would be helpful in life if you could function them effectively, but some people don’t need to dream because for them, it’s a reality! Insensitivity to Cold - You won’t be Iceman from the X-Men but this has to be the closest thing to it! Very few people in the world have the ability to be completely insensitive to the cold! Super Memory - To be honest, if I had to choose a superpower it’d be super memory. Imagine what you could achieve if you knew everything. The super-sleeper mutation: hDEC2 - We’re down to number 1 and this one’s dedicated to everyone who loves to lay in bed all night! I, for the most part, need more than 8 hours of sleep every night.

beamazed,be amazed,top 10,rare diseases,superheroes,pain,people,diseases,rare,super memory,amazing,Superhuman Strength,Absence of Fear,Vampire Disorder,Stone Man Disorder,people superhero,real life,closest thing,sharp teeth,abilities,X-Men,Turn People,Memory,Insensitivity,world,ability,power,Iceman,fear,Thing,sunlight,monster,facts about human body,limbs,superpower,point,life,superhero,facts,stone man syndrome,interesting facts,superpowers,extra limb,immune,

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