
Can You Do Real Estate Part Time? | Building A Second Income Stream BEFORE Quitting Your Job

Can You Do Real Estate Part Time? | Building A Second Income Stream BEFORE Quitting Your Job ✔SUBSCRIBE✔

As a property investor, can you do real estate part time and establish a second income stream while still working at your day job? For many home flippers, continuing to work a 9 to 5 while trying to expand their real estate business can be challenging. However, by setting clear financial goals and thinking like a marketer, you can quickly progress toward becoming a full-time property investor.

At the recent Find and Flip Summit, I addressed this question in detail because it’s an important one. For anyone who wants to establish a second income stream and move fully into property investment, my advice is to set financial goals. If you know that you need to make a certain amount each month to maintain your quality of life, you can then work backwards and figure out how many properties you´ll have to flip, and by extension, how much you’ll have to spend on marketing to flip your target number of properties.

Marketing is crucial. As a property investor, you should treat your business as a marketing business. If someone asks, “Can you do real estate part time?” I say that the answer partly depends on the scope of your marketing. If you can market effectively, you will have access to numerous properties from which to choose and you’ll be able to cherry pick the best ones to flip. However, if you fail with marketing, how will you find enough properties to meet your goals?

So, can you do real estate part time? It´s really up to you. In my experience, if you can focus on marketing and set financial goals, you’ll be able to successfully establish a second income stream. Then and only then, you’ll be able to confidently quit your job and move fully into the realm of property investment.

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