You will love the recipes we share as they are so easy and quick! We share a lot of recipes with potatoes such as tornado potatoes and potato roses. Let’s start from potato roses. Slice potatoes and place them into a steel mold for muffins. Form roses as we show in the video, add some cheese and bake. After that add raw eggs and bake again. The next yummy recipe is tornado potatoes. This snack looks so cool but is sooo easy! Push a wooden skewer through the center of each potato. Using a sharp knife carefully cut in a spiral motion from one side to other. Now divide the potato slices to give them some space and use the spices you want. Check out one more delicious recipe – potato roll!
You will find a tasty recipe of meatballs baked with potatoes. Firstly, boil potatoes and cut, put pieces into a baking tray. Prepare meatballs and don’t forget to add herbs for better taste. Place meatballs over the potatoes put the rest potato pieces between meatballs. Add bechamel sauce and cheese. Bake for 15 minutes and enjoy!
Let’s make a cheesy and very tasty snack - fried cheese popsicles. Here is a recipe: stick skewers or popsicle sticks through cheese pieces, cover each one with flour and coat with egg wash and crumbs. Put in boiling oil for a couple of minutes and super delicious snack is ready!
Moreover, we reveal some secrets food photographers use to make perfect fast food photos. You will learn how perfect cake photos are made. The cream melts so fast and usually replaced with shaving foam. You will find more secrets in our video!
00:09 Secrets of food commercials
04:43 Potato recipes
07:56 Cheese popsicles
09:23 Baked Camembert
15:51 Meatballs baked with potatoes
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