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Matt and Rebecca both completed the Pause Challenge both with Squishes vs. Real Food and husband vs wife. However many people in the comments section said that the RZ twin spying on us on the roof. This time to keep up with the fun videos we buy everything my wife touches for a day. Rebecca thought we were going to buy Gucci and a Lamborghini, but we went to the 99 cent store and Target instead. She chose toys and other items that look like ninja spy gadgets and thought they were expensive. We were finally going to buy her a new car when we found the RZ twin with Rebecca's backpack. After a chase in real life she dropped the backpack an it almost turned into a battle royale overnight at 3am for 24 hours. Inside the backpack there were clues like Zamfam merch and a photo of Ro Pansino who was in the Dollhouse with Carter and Lizzy Sharer. We will solve the mystery of life after the game master and quadrant event? Thank you for watching my PG entertainment family friendly comedy videos for kids in 2019!
Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
Vy Qwaint - CONFRONTING PIZZA GIRL HACKER (PZ4 in Real Life at 3am) -
Morgz - YOU WON'T DO IT Challenge With GIRLFRIEND For 24 HOURS! *Bad Idea*
Lucas and Marcus - Last To Leave SCARY FOAM PIT WINS $10,000!
MrBeast - I Gave A Homeless Man A Home
Dude Perfect - Real Life Trick Shots 3 | Dude Perfect
Grace Sharer - Our Baby Puppy Official NAME REVEAL!!! (Newest Sharer Family Member)
Daniel I CATCH PROJECT ZORGO PZ4 Pretending to Play a Searching for Chad Wild Clay -
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12021 Wilshire Blvd #714
Los Angeles, Ca 90025
About Matt and Rebecca:
Hey we are Matt Slays and Rebecca Zamolo. We have been married for 3 plus years and are starting a family of our own. We mainly vlog but mix in challenges, DIY's, experiments as well. Make sure to subscribe and be a part of our family as we love connecting with you the most.