
Target Market: Assessing The Needs Of Your Prospects

Target Market: Assessing The Needs Of Your Prospects

Target Market is where a salesperson or business owner should focus there time and efforts. Why? Because prospecting the wrong audience is a waste of time.
Mark Hunter is known as the "Sales Hunter" and the author of 'High-Profit Prospecting' also, the co-founder of the 'Outbound Conference.' I was lucky enough to have him join me for an interview. During this interview, he shares why sales are not about "what we are selling" or "how we sell." He tells us it's about "WHY" we sell.

Mark Hunter,Target Market,Target Audience,Prospecting,Sales,Sales and Marketing,Marketing,The Sales Hunter,Outbound Conference,High Profit Prospecting,#1 Best selling author,Sales Prospecting,

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