
When Consumers Try To Suggest Edits To Your Google and Facebook Listing

When Consumers Try To Suggest Edits To Your Google and Facebook Listing

Rob Anspach here. Hey, lately I've been seeing a lot of my clients information being edited and not by my clients and not by my team. You see both Facebook and Google have what's called suggest edits so consumers can go in and make changes to your listings, which kind of is BS in my opinion, because it requires no understanding of what it is that you do, how you do it, or anything about your business at all. They can suggest changes as phone numbers, addresses, emails, websites, services that you offer. And what I've been noticing is, you know, consumers can be wrong lately. Actually three of my clients over the last couple of days of reported errors in their Google listing and their Facebook listing, these were edits done by consumers that messed up their listing completely. Now, I don't know if it was done by a consumer who was well intentioned or a competitor that was trying to destroy my client's business. But either way, having the ability out there to go in and suggest edits to people's listings, especially businesses listings, it's not cool.

So as an entrepreneur, if you have a Google My Business or a Facebook page, you have to be very vigilant. Google gives you three days to respond, three days. So if you're on vacation and you don't have cell service, guess what, your listing, the edit that someone has given your listing will stay until you go back in and fix it. Which you know, could have an impact on people's ability to call you, to order from you or to learn more about you. So any of the listings that you have out there, Google, Facebook, or anywhere else, that allows consumers to suggest an edit, make sure that you are checking those listings periodically so that the information there is correct. If want to learn more about me and what I do and how I help my clients visit me at

And, if you do have listings on Google and Facebook, make sure that the information is correct.

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