But I know there are also people, who want to give me a second chance (whether they trust me, or not or are 50-50)
I also know there are people who since day 1 knew that drama was a sham. I know there ae people who beleive in me and my mission and who i am as a person and that I only ever wanted to do and spread positivity and good things and only made a careless mistake. No. I am not victimising myself. I already owned up and said it in NO MORE LIES. I am truly sorry. I know sorry won't be enough for some. But that is my first step.
I have decided on something. I'm going to be the bigger person. I'm going to rise above hate.
I already gave my story and am thankful to all who gave time to see it. Even to those who didn't beleive me or hate me. At least my side was given. And I'm thankful to anyone who even considered it for a moment.
Although i received some harsh words i also received words of encouragement and advice how to be better.
So here is my action plan:
A new and better me, with a real promise.
I, Rose, hereby vow to never let you guys down again.
1.I will keep myself out of any and all dramas and i won;t talk to any submakers because contact can sometimes cause conflict
2. If anyone copies my content i won't make such a big deal about it and there will be no dramas
3. I will not have com posts open (maybe only occasional uplifting messages, i miss those)
4. Any subs I make will have rain sounds and there will be no sped up affs, so you can audibly hear every word, just like before w my long subs
5. I will deliver the promised HUGE COMBO (still debating if that will have music or not)
6.I have put some old content back up for use of any of my old fans who still trust me and want the benefit of using them
7. I will get to each of my subscribers' comments and answer them (like i did before, nothing has changed in that aspect)
Again I sincerely apologise for all the drama I caused and i hope people really mean it when they say i made a human mistake and are willing to give me a second chance. I am eternally grateful.
Thank you for all of you, for you have shaped me into this big channel. I value each and everyone of you. Since day 1, i only evr wanted to help people achieve their dreams, and the countless testimonies prove that.
I am sorry for letting you all down. I promise to be better and abide by the ultimatum for myself.
I may be temporarily coming back until i post all the videos i had dreamed of dishing out. Or maybe longer. Or maybe a shorter time. We will see.
I will not disappoint you guys and i am looking forward to making the rain audios so you guys can hear i do not put negative affs and it was one mistake in one video.
If anyone wants to give ideas for a start back up subliminal as a welcome back me gift for everyone, everyone is welcome to comment down below any suggestion.
I promise to be the old Rose, you trusted and found sweet and lovely.
I also vowed to myself i won't become so consumed in submaking that i'll forsake myself and needs and that around me irl that matters and will spend more quality time w my friends and fam. Because i feel i can be better.
Anyone w spiritul, emotional problems/dilemmas can reach out to me via comments/my channel discussion page or yt messages to talk because i did counsel ppl before and gave advice or was just there to listen. I will answer them to the extent i can.
I genuinely mean every word i said, Sorry if my apology didn't cut it or wasn't mature enough for some. I am only human and still young and inexperienced and learning as i do wrong. So bear with me. I hope this vid sounds more mature. If not i am sorry, i can't please everyone and authntically express myself at the same time. This has been worded in a meaningful way, that i find appropriate and i hope you guys can see i truly want to be better and change. Any advice as further add ons to my ultimatum to myself on how to be better are welcome.
i truly missed you guys so much. You guys were my second family. Soul family even. I hope we can fogive and heal together as we go. I also missed the freedom of creatively expressing myself on yt, as i left many ideas undone.
I love you guys,
don't forget to comment sub ideas u want done (otherwise i'll think sm up) and add to my action plan for how to be better if you have anything constructive to add!