
People who engage in word puzzles have brain function equivalent to 10 years younger than their age,

People who engage in word puzzles have brain function equivalent to 10 years younger than their age, There are so many strains on the mind that you'd forgive it for slowing down as we geter. Then again, the world seems to have an ever-changing meaning. Now, many are working into their 70s. Some because they actually want to. How, then, can you help your brain stay sharp when your limbs might be showing signs of creaking? A new study from the University of Exeter and King's College in London offers a pointer. Researchers gave 19,000 people over the age of 50 certain tests of mental agility and they discovered something quite remarkable: It seems that regularly doing crosswords can truly keep the mind alive and active. This is something researchers have previously suspected. These results, however, seem even more pulsating. As research leader Dr. Anne Corbett explained: The improvements are particularly clear in the speed and accuracy of their performance. In some areas, the improvement was quite dramatic — on measures of problem-solving, people who regularly do these puzzles performed equivalent to an average of eight years younger compared to those who don't. Of course, Corbett offered caveats regarding definitive statements of cause and effect. She warned that there's still no absolute evidence that doing crossword puzzles will ward off dementia. There seems at least some chance, though, that regularly taxing the mind with these puzzles allows it to stay sharper and fitter. I wonder if Warren Buffett does a lot of crosswords.


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