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What is the easiest way to learn English literature?के इतिहास को जानने का सबसे आसान तरीका क्या है?
12th Arts पास करने के बाद क्या करे? Best Career Options for 12th Arts stream students.
Most Frequently used 'A' alphabetical order.'A' वर्णमाला में अंग्रेजी शब्दों के अर्थ .
Top 10 Invitation reject SENTENCES जो आपको Speaking English मे helpful बनेगे.
English मे वाक्यों के प्रकार जो speaking English मे केसे उपयोग होते हैtypes of Sentences in English.
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What is Parts of speech? इसके प्रकार कितने हैं? Learn Meanings & definitions of Parts of speech.
Only 10 minute मे Dare के साथ How केसे use होता है सीखिये by Spoken English by Saraswati bagul_s_s
Dare say (कदाचित्, सायद) का Speaking English मे उपयोग करना सीखो by Spoken English by Saraswati
Use of Dare (हिम्मत, साहस, चुनौती देना) के उपयोग बारे में जानीयेor daily life मे केसे उपयोग होता है
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Future Perfect Tense आसान तरीके से सीखिये by Spoken English by Saraswati #bagul_s_s
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ये 6 topics से किजिये IIT-JEE MAIN Exam की तैयारी. 100%आप exam pass कर लोगों.by Saraswati
सीखिए Top 10 Synonyms समानार्थी जो आपकी Vocabulary को बेहतर बनाएँगे by Spoken English by Saraswati
Future Continuous Tense in Hindi अगर आप ये Tricks जानते हो तो SPOKEN ENGLISH by Saraswati
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7 मिनट मे सीखिए How to use MUST in Speaking English Sentences in Hindi. all about By SPOKEN ENGLISH
Present perfect tense (पूर्ण वर्तमान काल हिंदी में) with Affirmative, negative, interrogative, fully explained in Hindi.
Simple present tense :
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First person 2nd and 3rd person, Explain in hindi:
Basic verbs in English :
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Top ten easy English sentences :
Easy way to speak sentences and phrases :
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Top 10 greeting to say hello:
चालू पूर्ण वर्तमान काल use of since and forPresent perfect continuous tense, use of Since or For(चालू पूर्ण वर्तमान काल) in Hindi all about by SPOKEN ENGLISH.
Kitchen English vocabulary (शायद आप नही जानते होंगे इन sentences के बारेमे(Hindi)
English standard 11 a journey of my life scene 2.