
FOOD PLOT SEED SELECTION. How do we select from all these "poor man" plot seeds?

FOOD PLOT SEED SELECTION. How do we select from all these How do we make sense of all these seeds that are out there for food plots? NO TILL, thro & grow, "poor man" plots, "Rich Man" plots and the list goes on and on. Antler King, Frigid Forage, Evolved Harvest, Mossy Oak Biological! Ever wonder what the marketing strategy is for these companies? With only a handful of todays hunters actually owning/leasing their own land they hunt on, who are these companies targeting? No till/Throw & guessed it they are targeting YOU!!! Those of us who don't own the land, yet have access to small parcels that we gain permission to plant on with very minimal equipment. With that said, think about this. There is no way any of us can actually afford to provide deer with every piece of their diet they need 365 days a year. We would go broke and not have any money left over to hunt. Our goals have to evolve as bowhunters and good stewards of the lands we hunt. We want to provide the most nutrition for the most amount of deer during the most crucial time for our herds. So we have to narrow down when this time is? What are your thoughts? I tend to lean towards the winter months here in the midwest, the does are bread green food is scarce and with fawns on the way we need our does to be nourished. Not to mention the bucks are ran down from all the rutting activity and enter the hardest months at their least healthiest state. Granted everyones goal as a hunter is to target these huge bucks and get an opportunity to harvest one. So the true test on how to select from all these seeds is simple. Cost, Goals, Land available to plant, and overall forage for your herd health. Stay with us as we dive into the most highly contested topics in the deer hunting world. Subscribe to our channel as we go step by step on our seed selection process!

Deer Food Plots,Poor Man Plots,Antler King,Whitetail Institute,Evolved Harvest,Throw & Gro,No Till Food Plots,Mossy Oak Biologic,Frigid Forage,No Till Plots,Deer Plot Seeds,Food Plot Seeds,Midwest Whitetail,Drury Outdoors,Mossy Oak,Mathews Archery,PSE Archery,Clover Plots,Brassica Plot,Bowhunting,Killplots,Kill Plots,Hunting Food Plots,Micro Plots,biologic,biologic winter bulbs and sugar beets,food plot seed,

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