It’s a great way to get everything in one location and not spread out all over the house.
But before you decide to tackle a project like this there’s a few things to think about that’ll hopefully make it go much smoother.
Here are 10 things you should know about Building a fish room.
#10 Purpose
One of the first decisions that needs to be made is the purpose for the fish room. Is this gonna be a room you use just to showcase your fish all in one area like we’re doing or are you running a business?
#9 Power
Fish rooms require a lot of power. If the room you plan on using only has 3-4 outlets in it you’re definitely gonna want to add some more.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can just use a bunch of power strips and you’ll be fine. Allot of aquarium equipment like heaters and lights draw a ton of power and they’ll overload them really quick
# 8 Location
Most people wont have many options for where to put their fish room because our houses are only so big but if you do have options there’s some things to think about.
For us we had the option of using a small part of our basement or the garage, we decided on the garage and I’m gonna tell you why.
#7 Water source
I don’t think it’ll surprise anyone watching this when I tell you you’re gonna need a lot of water to run your fish room.
Don’t let where you’re gonna be getting that water be an afterthought.
#6 Heat
When it comes to heating a fish room most fish keepers will opt to heat the entire room to maintain a certain temperature in the tanks.
This is a great way to heat the aquariums and it efficient cause it keeps everything at the same level but it wouldn’t work for us.
Our fish room is more of a showcase or a lounge that we want to use as a place to relax and enjoy the fish. That’s not easy to do in a room that’s heated to 85 degrees.
#5 Expense
We all know fish keeping isn’t the cheapest hobby you can get involved in but when you set up a fish room the expenses go to a whole new level.
If you have 4-5 tanks right now it’s probably not breaking the bank but if you’re setting up a fish room that you wanna put 50-60 tanks in the expenses are gonna add up and it’s not just the cost to set everything up.
#4 Filtration
Similar to the section we did on heat, when it comes to filtration you have the same decisions to make. Will you filter every tank individually or are you gonna build a system to filter them all? There’s pros and cons to every option.
#3 Maintenance
It’s very easy to have the idea of Building a fish room and you instantly just start imagining having all those tanks and all the things you can do in them and neglect to think about some of the things that are critical to the room being successful.
When you’re coming up with your design spend some time thinking about the layout of the room as it pertains to maintenance.
#2 Racks
If you’re trying to get as many tanks as possible into your fish room you’re gonna end up incorporating some type of rack system, of coarse like all the other things on this list you’ve got some options.
There are several heavy duty rack systems available at big box hardware stores that work really well, we’ve had some in the past and still use one to this day.
#1 Lighting
I’m gonna be honest when John and I set up our fish room in our garage back in 2010 we thought about absolutely everything before we even started except for lighting.
We knew how many tanks we could fit in the room, we knew where the equipment would go, we thought of it all and we were so excited but then it was like “oh crap, we’ve gotta light these tanks
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