My hospital address Devikripa hospital, Urakam, Thrissur
Phone ; 0487-2342795;2342477
Please contact the reception between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm.
Please do call on the previous day and also on the day you come to make sure I am here, especially if you are coming from afar.
People from within India can now contact me for online consultation via "DocWise" App. My pin is-DSHKQ
People from abroad lease contact me through e mail for details regarding online consultations.. please message me at my e mail-id, which is given beneath the description box of almost all the videos and in the about section of the channel. You will be given instructions as to how to take an online consultation.
my email- mindbodytonicwithdrsita@gmail.com
Am not getting time to become more active in Facebook and Instagram.
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