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According to WHO, 214 million women of reproductive age in developing countries who want to avoid pregnancy are not using any contraceptive method. There are also millions of women who use contraception in an incorrect way. To reduce unintended pregnancy, abortion, certain diseases and maternal and child mortality rate of a country, women should use the most suitable types of contraceptive methods by counseling with doctors.
Firstly, I’d like to show some benefits of family planning, birth spacing or contraception.
- Reduce infant death due to unwanted pregnancy
- Reduce maternal death due to unsafe abortion
- Prevent certain health problems in women with recent abortion or gave birth to a child by Caesarean section etc.
- Prevent sexually transmitted diseases by using a certain type of contraception
- Reduce adolescent pregnancies
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There are different methods of contraception. Here is the list of some effective methods of contraception.
1. The intrauterine device, also known as IUCD
2. Implants such as Jadelle, Implanon
3. Injections such as Depo Provera or DMPA (Depo medroxyprogesterone acetate), Sayana Press injection
4. Pills such as combined oral contraceptive pills (COCs), progesterone only pills, the emergency contraceptive pill
5. Barrier method such as condoms, diaphragms
6. Fertility awareness by calendar method or making notice about signs of fertility in the menstrual cycle
7. Withdrawal method
8. Permanent contraception- sterilization by tubal ligation and/or vasectomy
So these are the most commonly used methods of contraception. But you should also keep in mind that there is no method of contraception that can keep you 100% away from pregnancy. You should choose contraception based on your preference. And you should discuss properly with your partner before choosing a certain method of contraception. I’ll describe the details of some contraceptives next week. It will contain “how to use, advantages and disadvantages of using it”, so stay tuned!
Family planning and birth spacing become important issues nowadays. Consultation with obstetrician and gynecologist about family planning is highly recommended. I hope this post can share some ideas about contraceptive methods and make you choose wisely that would be most suitable for you.
Thanks for watching the video until the end. If you want me to cover any other health-related topics, feel free to ask me in the comments below or directly through my email. Peace out!
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