Stay tuned though! My next video will feature the best of the community! The actual good stages - there's more to stage builder than memes, and I will showcase that in the next part. And with more variety in the games! Kingdom Hearts, Golden Sun, DOOM, Final Fantasy......!
And the video after that will be a huge compilation of my stages plus a few new ones thrown in - but consider that an extra. More to come, always!
🌟 If you want to download a few, look up "Tevlev" in-game! 🌟
The Star ratings are supposed to signify how well suited the stages are for series matches. And in the last video, some people thought certain stages were more competitive than I considered. So this time I was a little more lenient on rating them. And I added a 3 gold star rating which are just a little extra viable for a series fight than the average 3 star rating.
Time | Name | ID code | Competitive rating | 8 player ready?
0:06 Oil Ocean Zone....................... 4VB5JHDH....
0:21 Plains of Passage....................H26T25T1....⭐⭐⭐ 8️⃣
0:38 Forest Maze.............................SNSK351T....⭐
0:53 Ice Climber Mini...................... 38PRTYBW...⭐⭐8️⃣
1:08 Contra Jungle..........................FPLDFH1K....⭐⭐
1:23 Excess Express ...................... 82MBLY11....
1:38 Vermilion City...........................51Y85XSC.....⭐⭐
1:53 Dragon Roost Cavern.............. MS30BQVH...
2:08 Advance Wars HQ................... MQH6MPTT...⭐⭐⭐
2:23 Moo Moo Farm.........................LDTHPBDC...
2:40 Wood Man Stage.................... KFNMK7M5...⭐⭐
2:55 Twilight River............................ Q50YWS9Y...⭐8️⃣
3:10 Mine Cart Madness...................CXYFG6SW..🌟🌟🌟8️⃣
3:25 The Messenger........................1QLJQLJC...⭐⭐
3:40 The Nether................................G857RHJH....8️⃣
3:56 StarTropics............................... FFR39YK9....
4:10 Rock Star Temple.....................P5PTL9YS.....
4:27 Wrecked Ship............................FDGG26FP....
4:45 Duck Game............................... 8WS2R6PF...⭐⭐8️⃣
5:02 Kokiri Forest..............................295D20T4....⭐⭐
5:17 Urban Champion...................... 76JQ6JS3....🌟🌟🌟8️⃣
5:32 Castle Crashers........................ 08KDM9VC..⭐⭐⭐
5:47 Underground Moon Caverns.... RQ6K4095....
6:02 Zora's Domain............................BJ94GGXM..
6:17 DK Mountain..............................JTVC6VCK...8️⃣
6:32 Cerulean Cave ..........................9RLM384M...⭐⭐⭐
6:47 Rocket League Stadium...........BPYNGXNC...8️⃣
7:05 Overcooked Kitchen..................7KPPPKBC...⭐⭐
7:23 Angry Aztec...............................FV0BH0Q7....
7:38 Sand Ocean...............................STX6XNR1....🌟🌟🌟8️⃣
7:53 NES Legend of Zelda................18980KQC.....8️⃣
All my stages videos:
All Smash Stuff Playlist:
Smash Brawl's Intro remade in Ultimate:
Short a Dumb videos (what you want to see)
Breath of the Wild videos:
Temple of Time built out of LEGO bricks:
Recommended Videos:
Remaking Games within other Games:
SPELUNKY recreated in Mario Maker: