It’s hard. It’s hard having no-one to trust. Because after what happened, I’ve learnt to not trust. Not even people who are the nicest, or SEEM like the nicest. Most people seem nice. But they aren’t. It’s a mask they put on. I give so many second chances to the people who I THOUGHT were nice. I haven’t had a friendship where no-one has spoke behind my back, ever. It’s crazy to say that but it’s just the modern age, right?
november 28th 2018, 9:45pm.
Maybe something I considered THE worst day ever. Leaving someone you considered a bestfriend. The amount of pain and crying I went through. Not a day passed where I didn’t think “Why do I trust the people who hurt me most and then get sad when I leave them.” And for some shitty fucking reason, 2 months later I let her back into my life.
january 13th 2019, 11:38am
Forgiving. I forgave her over some stupid dream about us from the old times. It was dumb, but somehow it was enough to make me forgive. And now. I think that’s the worse decision I have ever made. It was pretty shit, huh. Because in return, all I got was sadness, and people talking behind my back.
april 21st 2019, 11:23 pm
Account info. After what your friend told me, I had to find out if the screenshots and what not I was sent was real and true. And unfortunately, it was. I couldn’t believe my eyes, 3 years of a “loyal” friendship gone to waste.
This time, I was ready to get rid of this shit. All this friendship brought me was stress and sadness. I survived without her for 2 months, I’m sure I can do it this time for good stress-free.
april 29th 2019, 4:39pm
Karma is a bitch, huh. I haven’t missed her at all, in fact, in those matter of days with her blocked, my life felt better. And now, she’s in my place, and she’s crying. But after what she said, I couldn’t care less for her sadness. A taste of her own medicine must suck to her, but its pretty fucking great to me. And I’m still happy.
I didn’t need to heal, because as soon as I dropped her, I felt good. And you know, now I know. I don’t need nobody. As they say, I’m shining solo.