In this video we will learn about filling in the "Additional Registration/Licenses (Sector Specific)"
Many Establishments have additional Registration / licenses as required under the law.
These are:
a. Goods & Services Tax (GST) Act – 11;
b. Factories Act 1948 (incl Bidi & Cigar Act) -12
c. District Supply and Marketing Society -13
d. Food safety and Standard Authority- 14
e. Employee PF Organization/ Employee State Insurance Corporation-15
f. KVIC/ KVIB/ DC Handloom/ DC Handicrafts – 16;
g. State Directorate of Industries – 17;
h. Development Commissioner of Handicraft /handloom /Commodity boards (Coir board, Silk Board, Jute Commissioner etc.)-18;
i. State Specific licenses/ registration (incl. Labour License/Trade License/Drug License/Factory License/Electricity Board/State Business Register/ Other State Specific licenses)-19
j. Any other Registration/Licenses (not covered above)– 99
In this video we will understand cases of Multiple Registration- an establishment can have.
It is natural that a Company is registered under Companies Act as well as with Goods and Services Act.
In fact crores of establishments will be registered under GST (Additional Registration) as well as they are registered under basic registration Acts such as Shops and Establishment Act , Company Act etc.
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