
Why Positive Impressions Are So Important | Examples Of Good Customer Service

Why Positive Impressions Are So Important | Examples Of Good Customer Service ✔SUBSCRIBE✔

Examples of good customer service arise when thoughtfulness and creativity lead to positive impressions for the customers.

One of my favorite examples of good customer service is the way people are greeted at Les Schwab. Have you ever taken your car in to Les Schwab and seen a team of customer service assistants rushing up to you? They don’t wait for you to go inside, they begin helping you as soon as you pull onto the lot. That’s attentive service. That’s thoughtfulness in action.

As a leader, you need to find creative ways to provide excellent customer service.

At the “W” hotel in Washington, I asked for a wake-up call. I didn’t pick up the phone because I woke up early to go down to the gym. Soon after I got back to my room at 7:20, an employee knocked and asked me if I had received the wake up call.

Not only did the hotel place my call, they went the extra mile by sending someone to check up on me. If you’ve ever missed a wake up call, you know how important that can be.

These kinds of examples of good customer service are the ones that leave people with favorable impressions.

As a leader, it’s so important to find creative ways of showing customers that you care, because it’s the little moments that matter the most. When thoughtfulness shows through during the course of an interaction, customers will remember and be left with positive impressions.

Those positive impressions will go a long way towards improving the organization’s image and cementing customer loyalty.

So, how can you show customers that you care? How can you put more thoughtfulness into the customer care experience?

Take time to answer these questions and your customers will keep coming back.

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