
The Frog Stay A MOST VITAL Part of the Foots Anatomy

The Frog Stay A MOST VITAL Part of the Foots Anatomy In the past year I have discoverd how VITAL what is called the "frog stay" is and how the correct function of the horses foot depends on it. In order to have a correct, robust and healthy frog stay you have a robust healthy frog and in order the have a robust healthy from you aboslutley must have correct heels and heel buttress height. All of this works together so that the foot of the horse functions they way it was anatomically designed to. And when it does not have correct heels and frog stay, this leads to "DIS-function" and dis-function leads to destruction and disease and distortion of all kinds, starting in the foot and moving up to the tendons, bones, knees, ligaments, muscles, back, neck, spine, hips, joints and every other thing on the horse all due to one little anatomical part about 1 1/2 to 2 inches from top to bottom, which makes a WHOLE DIFFERENCE in the performance of the horse as well.


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