
Tamil Nadu TRB Computer Science Syllabus - ASP - Active Server Pages #1

Tamil Nadu TRB Computer Science Syllabus  - ASP - Active Server Pages #1 Tamil Nadu TRB Computer Science Syllabus - ASP - Active Server Pages #1
Tamil Nadu TRB computer instructors Grade1 exam

ASP – Active Server Page
Client Server Architecture

 Introduced in 1998 by Microsoft
 File extension .asp
 To make dynamic web pages
 Executing scripts in web server
 Server side scripting language
 We can embed the ASP code inside a HTML code
 Can create dynamic web sites.
 Can respond to user queries requested from HTML forms
 Can Access to databases / File system or other server data and
return results to a browser
 Provide web security since ASP code cannot be viewed in a

 When a browser requests a normal HTML file, the server just
returns the file.
 When a browser requests an ASP file, the server passes the
request to the ASP engine which reads the ASP file and
executes the server scripts in the file.
 Then ASP file is returned to the browser as plain HTML.
 IIS (Internet Information Server) is the Web server used to
serve the Web pages(HTML / ASP)

 Containers to hold some value(s)
 Type variant
 Case insensitive
 Should begin with a letter or _
 Can’t contain special characters except _
 Maximum length 255

Array variable:
 names(0) = “name 1”
 names(1) = “2”
 names(2) = “name 3”
 sencodName = name(1);
0 1 2
2 Name

Multidimensional array
 Names(0,0) = “name 1”
0,0 0,1
1,0 1,1

Lifetime of Variables:
 Variables declared inside procedure not accessible outside of
procedure and get destroyed once the execution of the
procedure is completed. (Implicit variables)
 Variables declared outside of procedure can be accessed
anywhere in the ASP file

Session variables:
 A variable stored in server for a single user session
 Will be available in all the ASP files of the application
 When user requested a page, global.asa file get created
 Once the session is over (Session logout / browser close), the
variable will get destroyed
 Default time of session 20 mns
‘5 min session this is comment
Session(“username”) = “logged in user name”

‘ close the user session

Application variables:
 A variable stored in server for all users
 Will be available in all the ASP files of the application
 In global.asa file we can add application variables

script language=”vbscript” runat=”server”
Sub Application_OnStart
application(“varname”) = “initial value”
appliaiton(“users”) = 1
End Sub

In ASP file we can read application variables as below:

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