Let’s start
First and most important thing is blood circulation. Improve blood flow Running even 30 minutes to boosts sex testosterone and libido and enables faster and intense orgasms in both men and women. it betters sexual function in men and even cures erectile dysfunction with a healthy blood circulation .
Its is beneficial to just run at running track nor on jogging machine or treadmill
Second and most common thing is smoking which damage your sex drive. Mostly people is unaware form this fact.
Smoking is reason for erectile dysfunction and lower-than-normal levels of the male sex hormone testosterone. Smoking makes lower your sex drive. It's not surprising that smoking can damage your blood vessels
Third thing that can improve you sex power is olive oil
Olive oil is best for increase sex power. Olive oil increases testosterone levels, which can help men get and maintain erections. It also keeps blood vessels healthy by promoting dilation of the arteries, which improves blood flow, and enhance sexual power
Olive oil is beneficial for sec if you use it raw not hot nor fired
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