
The Superior Singing Method Review - Aaron Anastasi- Legit OR Scam

The Superior Singing Method Review - Aaron Anastasi- Legit OR Scam

The Superior Singing Method Review - Aaron Anastasi- Legit OR Scam -

This video is about The Superior Singing Method by Aaron Anastasi,
I’ll admit I was sceptical. Every good singer I’ve ever met was seemingly born with the gift. It was a skill you either have or you don’t.

And I definitely don’t. So I started Aaron’s course with a healthy dose of pessimism. The whole course is split into 8 modules, each lasting a week and each focussing on training a different element of your voice.

From all the reviews I’d read, almost everyone noticed some kind of improvement after the first module on The Superior Singing Method - Aaron Anastasi.

Module 1 was all about learning and practising a variety of unique vocal warm-up exercises. I don’t want to spoil the content, but be prepared to look, feel and sound ridiculous. While I don’t exactly understand how this was helping me, by the sixth day I had noticed that my first few notes of every exercise were slightly stronger and I needed much less throat clearing to continue the exercise.

Module 2 brought me into the world of breath management and diaphragm control. Now just between you and me, I’ve been breathing my whole life. But this module taught me the importance of posture, breathing correctly (yes there is a wrong way!) and corrected some of the shaky notes I try and belt out when I run out of breath

On to Module 3 and here we learnt mastering the vocal tone. I never knew my singing voice was nasal until I learnt the proper techniques to make my voice sound “full” and “rich”

By Module 4, I was feeling pretty confident. This was a pitch exercise and was the most challenging module so far. I learnt that I tended to sing more notes “off-key” than on.

We learnt how to pronounce vowels with precision and strength and by the end of the module I was beginning to develop an ear for key changes and chord structures.

This marked the halfway mark. While yes, I’d seen some improvement, I wasn’t yet the revolutionary singer that I’d seen talked about in reviews. So I pledged to battle on.

In Module 5, we learnt some HUGE secrets. Secrets to do with resonance and vocal tension that just aren’t found in any of the free online tutorials.

Module 6 was very similar. Again, unique training exercises that were aimed at fixing cracks, breaks and straining to reach the high notes. Both of these modules are unique to this training program and not taught this way anywhere in the world

On the home stretch, modules 7 and 8 felt like vocal masterclasses. Here we focussed on improving vocal agility, strengthening vibrato and avoiding vocal fatigue.

The exercises felt like the ones that professional singers would do before a performance.

So after 8 weeks of training videos, breathing, warm-ups and singing exercises. What’s the verdict? If it hasn’t been completely obvious up until this point, Aaron Anastasi’s Superior Singing Method is the real deal.

It’s no wonder over 10,000 people worldwide have bought, used and mastered this total vocal training program. I went from that guy that only sings well in a bathroom after a few drinks, to someone who can comfortably take out a karaoke competition!

I won’t be winning America’s Got Talent anytime soon, but I now have the tools to get close. And considering where my voice started out, Aaron Anastasi’s Superior Singing Method is an absolute masterpiece.

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