
Before We Say I Do Episode 28

Before We Say I Do Episode 28

Episode Twenty-Eight

Normal POV

“What…” Demi started as she pushed him away from her and shook her head. “Isaac why are you here?” she asked him as he chuckled and shook his head.

“You invited me remember,” he said to her as she shook her head. “Who’s this?” he asked pointing at Joe as Demi took in a breath and looked at Joe as he shook his head.

“No one,” Joe answered him. “Just the best man,” Joe said gulping the remainders of his drink before he started off.

“Joe,” Demi said after him as he continued off making her sigh and look over at Isaac again.

“Seriously who the heck is that?” Isaac asked as Demi groaned and grabbed his arm.

“We need to talk and we need to talk now,” she said to him starting through the patio noticing the look Shay and Nick were giving her as she ignored them and continued into the hotel and off to the side away from the guests. “What the hell are you doing here?” she questioned him angrily as he shook his head.

“Demi you asked me to be here,” he said to her as she shook her head. “When you got the invitation you asked me to your date and I said yes so that’s why I’m here,” he said to her. “I am your boyfriend after all,” he said as she shook her head.

“No you’re not we broke up weeks ago,” she pointed out to him.

“We didn’t break up we were just on a break,” he said to her seeing the glare appear on her face.

“We’re not Ross and Rachel this isn’t some sitcom Isaac and we did break up which means the invite to this wedding became ripped up as soon as you walked out that door,” she told him as he groaned and shook his head.

“Is this because of that guy out there?” he asked as Demi shook her head.

“What…NO!” she shouted before she took in a breath trying to remain calm realizing they were still in public and people could hear when she screamed. “This has everything to do with you wanting to split up with me just so you could screw other women,” she said to him as he shook his head.

“I never…” he started as Demi glared at him shaking her head.

“Are you really going to lie to me right now and tell me that you haven’t slept with anyone since you broke up with me?” she asked him as he shook his head.

“I haven’t slept with anyone,” he told her. “I wanted the break so we could get some space from one another and figure out if this is what we wanted but I never broke up with you I was very careful with that because I love you but needed time to think,” he explained to her as she let out a breath and shook her head.

“Why didn’t you explain all of this to me when you asked for the break?” she asked him as he took in a breath.

“Because you were already mad at me when I asked for the break and you wouldn’t give me the time to explain everything,” he said to her stepping closer to her. “Demi I love you and I have loved you for a long time now,” he said to her. “Maybe yes weddings and kids and the future scare me a little but if I get to do all those things with you then I’ll be okay,” he said to her as she smiled slightly. “This is where I want to be, this is what I want,” he told her as she took in a breath and looked at him as he wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her closer to him waiting for her to talk to him as she sighed and tried to think of what she should say, trying to think of what she should do.


Before,We,Say,I Do,Ep,28,

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