
DIY How to break and remove cultured marble counter top vanity

DIY How to break and remove cultured marble counter top vanity

Description of how we broke and removed a cultured marble counter top vanity from the bathroom. This cultured marble (think limestone mixed into plastic resin) counter top had yellowed over 30 years of use and needed to be replaced to update the character of the bathroom. The large the large 7 ft (84 inch) countertop was extremely heavy and difficult to try and lift.
When originally installed, the space for the bottom cabinets was slightly less than 84 inches which did not leave any room to accommodate the 1 inch side to side overhang of the countertop so the walls were cut on each side and the countertops slid in, locking them in place and making it difficult for us to remove these many years later. Our only choice was to break the countertop for easy removal. We couldn’t lift the one piece countertop since it was wedged so tightly in the space.
Cut any construction adhesive/glue that holds vanity counter top in place.
Lifted counter top at least 1 inch in center to slide ¾ inch board between bottom of countertop and base cabinet to balance countertop left to right.
Scored countertop surface on side adjacent to balance point, and, while wearing eye and hearing protection, used hammer and cold chisel to moderately and repeatedly strike score mark across vanity top until one side snapped and fell away from the other.
Still a 2 person job to remove each side of broken countertop due to weight. Wore protective gloves while moving as broken material is sharp.

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