
Deep Hz Deep Pockets Become a Magnet For Success Subliminal Affirmations 3Hz Rainfall Relaxation

Deep Hz Deep Pockets Become a Magnet For Success Subliminal Affirmations 3Hz Rainfall Relaxation

This subliminal session is designed to help you create a life of success and wealth for yourself.
Do not listen to this track while driving or operating heavy machinery. This audio track uses binaural beats to induce Delta brainstate which can cause calmness, relaxation and drowsiness.
You can listen to this track while sleeping, studying, gaming or chilling.
Affirmations work through repetition. You may see improvement in your performance right away, but it also may take some time to sink into your subconscious. Listen to this track at least once a day for 1 month for noticeable improvements.
It is best to listen to this track on low volume with speakers or headphones, however headphones are more effective. It doesn’t matter if you can barely understand or hear what the affirmations are saying, your subconscious mind will still understand the frequencies the track outputs. You can even listen to several of my tracks simultaneously to enhance your overall self.
Binaural beats require Headphones or Earphones to adjust your brain state:
When signals of two unique frequencies are presented, one to each ear our brains detect the phase variation between them. For example a signal of 100 Hz in your left ear and 90hz in your right ear creates a binaural beat with a frequency of 10 Hz. This brings balance to your left and right brain hemispheres to work in unison.
Binaural beats change the frequency of your brain under the duration of each listening. There are many studied benefits of using binaural beat therapy. Some are listed below within each brain state.
The affirmations within these binaural beats tracks are designed in order to change your subconscious thought. We hold limitless untapped power within our subconscious mind. Our conscious thought, emotional state, physical appearance, physical and mental health and more are directly affected by our subconscious mind.
My affirmation tracks are used with a binaural frequency of 3Hz, within Delta but bordering Theta. Delta brainwaves are known for deep subconscious behaviors and thought, while Theta is semi-subconscious. The border between the conscious and subconscious mind.
This allows a greater and stronger connection between your conscious and subconscious mind. This is intentional in order to allow the affirmations to program your subconscious thought.
Beta Brainwaves: 14-40 Hz
Increased focus and alertness (within 14-30Hz)
Better logic and critical thinking (within 14-30Hz)
Increased Anxiety, stress and overthinking (30+)
Insomnia (30+)
Alpha Brainwaves: 7.5-14Hz
Reduction in anxiety, stress and depression
Heightened mood
More energy
Increased confidence
Reduce blood pressure
Improve physical performance
Theta Brainwaves: 3.5-8Hz
Deep relaxation
Inner peace
Emotional stability
Improved cognitive memory
Stronger intuition and inspiration
Heightened psychic abilities i.e. precognition
Sense of spiritual connection
Faster physical healing
Deep sleep
Increased hormone production from pituitary and pineal glands such as thyroid regulating hormones, adrenal support, melatonin and growth hormone.
Delta Brainwaves: 0.1-3.5Hz
Most of what Theta provides and more
Deep restful sleep
Produce more hormones relating to sleep such as growth hormone (anti-aging)
Vivid dreams
Lucid dreams
Some may experience bliss
Reinvigorate life energy
Improve immune system
Find deeper connection to your higher self
Further sharpen intuition and pre-cognition
I create my reality
I am wired to succeed
I am driven to accomplish my goals
I accomplish my goals
I attract positive energy
My efforts are frequently rewarded
I attract success
I attract wealth
I attract love
I attract happiness
I am a magnet for success
I am receiving reward for my every effort
I am receiving reward right now
I am receiving success right now
I am receiving success
I am receiving wealth
I am receiving happiness
I am receiving love
I am receiving great business ideas
I am thinking of successful business ideas
My dream is my reality
I am living my dream
I am receiving great wealth
I am a money magnet
I am attracting wealth right now
I am attracting love right now
I am attracting positive energy right now
I am attracting happiness right now
I am receiving endless cash flow
I effortlessly receive wealth
I effortlessly receive love
I effortlessly receive success
I effortlessly receive respect

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