
The World of Pretend | A song about Veronica Lake

The World of Pretend | A song about Veronica Lake

The World of Pretend, an elegant paean to Veronica Lake, tells the story of the leading yet forgotten Film Noire star of the 40s who quietly walked away from Hollywood on her terms. Sung by Emma Kiara and penned by Christopher Teal Davis and significant others, this work will stay with you long after the video fades into darkness. Check it out, worthwhile without question.
Emma Kiara: Songstress
Music: Chris Davis
Lyrics: Chris Davis, Chan Davis & Jim Beloff
Ukulele: Chris Davis
Finger Snaps: Chan Davis
The World of Pretend recorded @ Studio Unicorn
Engineer: Paul Avgerinos
Video: Robert E. Moran
Movie Countdown: Movie Vigilante
Download, view etc, etc as there is no restriction on this innovative use of fair use describing a mysterious star who had talent, smarts and above all else, style.

Fair Use,Sony A7SII,Emma Kiara,Chirsoher Teal Davis,Veronica Lake,Film Noire,Sullivan't Travels,This Gun for Hire,The Glass Key,Star,Studio Unicorn,video,

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