
New Tires for the Gehl 4400 Skid Steer and Other things

New Tires for the Gehl 4400 Skid Steer and Other things

This video was one I wanted to make a year ago but dew to computer problems its a year late ! LOL So I went Farmer Shopping as we all do, We let things go for so long and its time to fix things up. The Gehl 4400 skid steer needed new tires in the worst way and last fall after cutting those big trees down by the road I found an old steel fence post with one of the front tires on it and that was all she wrote ! So I called around looking for new ones to find them from $190 to $250 each ! So I called a guy I know that sells tires and got 4 for $110 each for it, Yes they are off brand but the are new tires 10x16.5 10ply Deestones and they will work fine for me ! I also bought 2 new 9.5x15 4 ribs for the front of my Oliver 1550 and have 1 on now and just found a rim for the other one. I've bought lots of new tires in the last year for

New Tires for the Gehl 4400 Skid Steer and Other things

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