
Mostly Compost - Heroes of Harinburg Ep 2 - Dungeons and Dragons Campaign

Mostly Compost - Heroes of Harinburg Ep 2 - Dungeons and Dragons Campaign

The "heroes" deal with more compost, eat some dirt, and then head over to the Sunken Hope to make some new friends.
If you'd like to support this Dungeons & Dragons RPG show, consider becoming a Vault member and / or a Twitch subscriber:
Also a big thank you goes out to the following companies for providing terrain, models, sound, or other things that we've used for the Dungeon's & Dragons stream:
Tablewar (battle mat) -
Mats by Mars (battle mat) -
GreenLeafTerrain (terrain) -
Games Workshop (terrain) -
Tabletop World (terrain) -
Tiny Furniture (terrain) -
Tabletop Audio (sound) -
Syrinscape (sound) -
Also check out for Jeremy's DMing services.

miniwargaming,miniature wargaming,dungeons and dragons,dungeons & dragons,D&D,roleplaying,

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