
藝苑掇英 Jamie Wyeth 傑米·惠氏 (1946) Contemporary Realism American

藝苑掇英 Jamie Wyeth 傑米·惠氏 (1946) Contemporary Realism  American

James Browning Wyeth (born July 6, 1946) is a contemporary American realist painter, son of Andrew Wyeth, and grandson of N.C. Wyeth. He was raised in Chadds Ford Township, Pennsylvania, and is artistic heir to the Brandywine School tradition - painters who worked in the rural Brandywine River area of Delaware and Pennsylvania, portraying its people, animals, and landscape.
James Wyeth is the second child of Andrew and Betsy Wyeth, born three years after brother Nicholas, his only sibling. He was raised on his parents' farm "The Mill" in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, in much the same way as his father had been brought up, and with much the same influences. He demonstrated the same remarkable skills in drawing as his father had done at comparable ages. He attended public school for six years and then, at his request was privately tutored at home, so he could concentrate on art. His brother Nicholas would later become an art dealer.
At age 12, Jamie studied with his aunt Carolyn Wyeth, a well-known artist in her own right, and the resident at that time of the N. C. Wyeth House and Studio, filled with the art work and props of his grandfather. In the morning he studied English and history at his home, and in the afternoon joined other students at the studio, learning fundamentals of drawing and composition. He stated later, "She was very restrictive. It wasn't interesting, but it was important." Through his aunt, Jamie developed an interest in working with oil painting, a medium he enjoyed at a sensory level: the look, smell and feel of it. Carolyn Wyeth and Howard Pyle were his greatest early influences in developing his technique in working with oil paint. While Jamie's work in watercolor was similar to his father's, his colors were more vivid.
As a boy, Jamie was exposed to art in many ways: the works of his talented family members, art books, attendance at exhibitions, meeting with collectors, and becoming acquainted with art historians. He also developed an offbeat sense of humor, sometimes veering to the macabre.
For at least three years in the early 1960s, when Wyeth was in his middle to late teens, Wyeth painted with his father. Of their close relationship, Wyeth has said: "Quite simply, Andrew Wyeth is my closest friend—and the painter whose work I most admire. The father/son relationship goes out the window when we talk about one another's work. We are completely frank—as we have nothing to gain by being nice." At age 19 [about 1965] he traveled to New York City, to better study the artistic resources of the city and to learn human anatomy by visiting the city morgue.
In 1968, Wyeth married Phyllis Mills, daughter of Alice du Pont Mills and James P. Mills and one of his models. Although she had been permanently crippled in a car accident and used crutches (and later a motorized chair) to get around, Wyeth found her to be a strong, determined woman whose elusive nature meant that he continually discovered something new about her. Mills is the subject of many of his paintings (which usually depict her seated) including And Then into the Deep Gorge (1975), Wicker (1979), and Whale (1978), as well as, by implication, his painting of Phyllis’ hat in Wolfbane (1984).
詹姆斯·布朗寧·惠氏James Browning Wyeth(生於1946年7月6日)是當代美國現實主義畫家,Andrew Wyeth的兒子,也是N.C. Wyeth的孫子。他在賓夕法尼亞州的Chadds Ford Township長大,是Brandywine學校傳統的藝術繼承人 - 在特拉華州和賓夕法尼亞州的Brandywine River鄉村地區工作的畫家,描繪了他的人物,動物和風景。
詹姆斯惠氏是安德魯和貝齊惠氏的第二個孩子,出生三年後,兄弟尼古拉斯是他唯一的兄弟姐妹。他在賓夕法尼亞州Chadds Ford的父母農場“The Mill”長大,與他父親長大的方式大致相同,影響也大致相同。他表現出與父親在相同年齡段所做的相同的繪畫技巧。他在公立學校上學了六年,然後根據他的要求在家裡私下輔導,所以他可以專注於藝術。他的兄弟尼古拉斯後來成為藝術品經銷商。
12歲時,傑米和他的姨媽卡羅琳·惠氏Carolyn Wyeth一起學習,她自己是一位著名的藝術家,當時是N.C. Wyeth House and Studio的居民,他的祖父的藝術作品和道具充滿了他們。早上他在家裡學習英語和歷史,下午和工作室的其他學生一起學習繪畫和作曲的基礎知識。他後來說,“她非常嚴格。這不重要,但重要的是。”通過他的阿姨,傑米開始有興趣使用油畫,這是他在感官層面享受的一種媒介:它的外觀,氣味和感覺。 Carolyn Wyeth和Howard Pyle是他在開髮油畫技術方面最早的影響力。雖然傑米的水彩畫作品與他父親的作品相似,但他的色彩更加生動。
在20世紀60年代早期至少三年,當惠氏在他的中年到十幾歲時,惠氏和父親一起畫畫。在他們密切的關係中,惠氏曾說過:“很簡單,安德魯惠氏是我最親密的朋友,也是我最崇拜的畫家。當我們談論彼此的工作時,父子關係就會消失。我們完全坦白 - 因為我們沒有任何好處。“ 19歲時[大約1965年],他前往紐約市,更好地研究城市的藝術資源,並通過參觀城市太平間來學習人體解剖學。
1968年,惠氏與Alice du Pont Mills和James P. Mills的女兒菲利斯·米爾斯Phyllis Mills以及他的一個模特結婚。雖然她在車禍中長期殘廢並且使用拐杖(後來是一輛電動椅)來繞行,但惠氏發現她是一個堅強,堅定的女人,其難以捉摸的本性意味著他不斷發現一些關於她的新事物。米爾斯是他的許多畫作(通常描繪她的坐姿)的主題,包括和然後進入深峽谷(1975年),柳條(1979年)和鯨魚(1978年),以及暗示,他的繪畫菲利斯'在Wolfbane(1984)中的帽子。

藝苑掇英,Jamie Wyeth,傑米·惠氏,(1946),Contemporary Realism,American,Art hiatory,Tony kwok,

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