Sometimes things can seem so dark, so grim. You can try to do everything in your power to turn it around but it just feels like everything is against you.
This is a story from a subscriber Camila that is exactly that. She was born into a situation she couldn't get out of and all the pain led to one bad decision after another. Her mother treated her horribly by physically, emotionally and mentally abusing her. Her mother was so consumed in hated for her father for cheating and leaving her so she took out all her anger out on Camila. She had no chance. She sought abusive relationships to make up for the pain she was going through. When you grow up in an abusive environment, it's all you know and understand. Some people think it's all they deserve... Which is not true. But because of her abusive parent, she developed BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder. It means she struggles to control her emotions. BPD is a very complicated disorder. Don't worry, we are currently making a video about it that should be out soon.
She may have been put in this position when she was born. She may not have had a choice but in the end, her father came through and lifted her out. You will always be able to find help. Whether it's family, friends or even the local authorities. There is always hope. There is always a solution.
Camila, thank you for sharing your inspiring story with us. For those who are suffering in the same or similar fate, contact another family member, a friend. Find a solution. You are not your shortcoming. No one deserves to be treated like this.